Salt Springs Alliance, Werner-Boyce Salt Springs State Park, and Publix Supermarkets joined forces for this year’s Publix Serves initiative. Over the course of two days, we welcomed 150 Publix employees as volunteers who assisted with park improvements. Publix employees volunteered to help with maintenance and park improvements. With the help of these wonderful volunteers, along with the support of our Park Manager – Celena Zimmerman, Park Services Specialist – Karen Strawn, Park Ranger - Jordan Miller, park volunteer- Mike Emmerich, resident volunteers Jane and Jim, and Salt Springs Alliance president Becky Kesel and Board Member Alan Cribb, we were able to stain fencing, clear brush, pull weeds, lay gravel, install mulch, and clean signs and install signs. We were amazed by the amount of work that was accomplished and very grateful for their time and enthusiasm! |